Halloween Pop Up

I know most people are past Halloween and on to the American Election, Remembrance Day and Christmas but I’ve still got a bit of a Halloween hangover going on over here. We had a blast with the pop up portraits and, of course, Halloween itself.

As a community and as a family, we had such a good day. We did take our kids out trick or treating to a few homes in our immediate community. While the numbers were lower than usual, the joy, the community spirit and the fun were all in abundance. Everyone that was out was just happy to be there, doing something that felt somewhat normal. It looked different than previous years but maybe that’s okay. In previous years, we would never have seen as many families sitting out in their driveway around a fire, greeting their neighbours (from a distance, of course). In previous years, we have not had the police presence we had this year; it was good natured, participating with the community and even handing out treats to their kids. Their presence was of participation not of warning although their watchful eyes were appreciated. In previous years we likely weren’t as intentional about how we celebrated Halloween, whether we went out of found ways to celebrate it in our homes. No matter how you spent Halloween, I hope it was as spook-tacular as ours and that some of the benefits of having to do it differently, and, perhaps, even for the better, will carry on for years to come.


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